8A: Solving The Problem
Opportunity: University of Florida teachers often cast an enormous burden on students by requiring expensive textbooks distributed by massive book publishing corporations. I want to create an annual subscription service for textbooks. The service would be created and subsidized by the University of Florida, that allows students to view and read the required textbooks for their courses. The University has an endowment of over $1.2 billion, so this would be a drop in the bucket. The University already has an “opt-in” system for specific textbooks, but students are still required to pay the full price of the book. If the University offered an optional flat price for all students, let’s say $250 for the year added to cost of tuition, I’m sure many students would opt in to this option for the ability to read digital copies of required textbooks. If students want hard copies of the book, they can buy it at full price, but if they want to save money, they can use this book subscription servic...