Bug List

Bug List

  1. When my roommate Marison visits my room and does not close the door on the way out
    1. Why it exists: He never closes his door, and does not consider closing my door when he leaves, even after I ask repeatedly.
  2. When children are being disrespectful at a “fine dining” restaurant and the parents do nothing to stop them from being loud and disruptive
    1. Why it exists: these parents are unaware of their children’s effect on people’s dining experience and are possibly bad parents.
  3. When I clean up immediately after cooking food and wash everything, while my roommates leave plates and pans in the sink for days
    1. Why it exists: both of my roommates are only children, so I believe they were raised to never clean up after themselves.
  4. When people do not put their shopping carts back into the collection spot in the parking lot at Trader Joe’s
    1. Why it exists: people are lazy and the collection spots are sometimes far from their car.
  5. When people are indecisive about what they want to do or what they want to eat.
    1. Why it exists: These people are too insecure or embarrassed to speak their true opinion.
  6. When people use improper grammar when writing essays or texting
    1. Why it exists: These people never paid much attention in English class and do not know proper grammar, or do not care about using proper grammar in everyday life.
  7. Insufficient commuter parking on the UF campus
    1. Why it exists: Land on the UF campus is limited and could be used to fulfill more important university needs.
  8. When you open a cereal box and the lid does not unstick from the cardboard, so you end up having to mangle the top to get it open
    1. Why it exists: the box or glue might be poor quality, and thus hard to open.

  1. When people walk slowly parallel to each other on Stadium Road, blocking people behind them from passing them
    1. Why it exists: People are unaware of how narrow the sidewalk is, and unaware of how slow they are walking.
  2. When people are rude to their server at a restaurant when their food takes a long time or is cold
    1. Why it exists: people love to blame someone when something is a minor inconvenience, so they blame their server, even though they have nothing to do with how the food is made.

  1. When people go below the speed limit in the “fast” left lane on I-75 and block the lane
    1. Why it exists: Florida does not have a law requiring faster vehicles to go on the left lane, and slower vehicles to go on the right.
  2. When people in the NYC subway do not wait for those to get off the train before getting on
    1. Why it exists: people are unaware that getting on the train before letting others off slows the loading process down, and is just rude.
  3. When you remove a sticker from a new computer or other object and residue stays on
    1. Why it exists: The glue the company used is too strong, or the sticker is made of paper instead of vinyl or plastic.
  4. When your headphones get caught on a doorknob or hook and pull you back
    1. Why it exists: Apple headphone cables have a lot of stickiness and friction to them, and are more likely to snag onto something.
  5. When action scenes in movies are way louder than the dialogue, so you have to turn the volume up and down accordingly
    1. Why it exists: the sound engineering of the film was done poorly.
  6. The male and female bathrooms being on opposite ends of the floor in UF class buildings, and somehow always being on the wrong end
    1. Why it exists: This is how the building was designed when it was built.
  7. When the Rider bus app tells me the 21 or 33 bus is 15 minutes away, and one minute later, the bus is approaching my stop
    1. Why it exists: the GPS software on the Rider app is not updated as frequently as it should be.
  8. When a restroom only has hand dryers that are way too low-power
    1. Why it exists: The dryer is engineered to emit a certain amount of energy, making the dryer way too soft to dry hands.
  9. When someone refuses to admit that they’re wrong, even though you’ve proven that they’re wrong
    1. Why it exists: they’re stubborn and don’t understand that it’s okay to be wrong.
  10. When someone’s headphones are too loud and you can hear what they’re listening to
    1. Why it exists: they are listening to music too loudly, or the headphones are not engineered to keep the sound out.


This was pretty tough to do. It took me a few days to come up with the twenty bugs, but after writing them, they seem so common sense to me. These bugs are little annoyances in my everyday life that would not really bother someone else, but does for me. Because of this, I couldn’t ask my friends or check online, which made it even harder. It goes to show that there’s a lot wrong with our day-to-day lives, but we live past it.


  1. I sympathize with you for being bugged by many of items on your list. In particular, #6 resonated -- When people use improper grammar when writing essays or texting. I can only shake my head when writers educated enough to land paid writing gigs do not follow basic grammar and spelling rules. It tends to nullify most if not all of their credibility. Oy!


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