22A: Elevator Pitch


2. The feedback I received on the last elevator pitch submission was positive, and people enjoyed the copy I wrote for the pitch. I only received one constructive piece of criticism, and that was to move around more and gesture more with my hands.

3. Really, the only thing I changed this time was to gesture more with my hands and move around more.


  1. I think you did an excellent job with this pitch. I have followed your pitch since you started and really have seen an improvement. You have this memorized and you seem confident and enthusiastic. I think you did a great job giving details and an exact price. I also find this extremely creative. The only improvements I would make at this point is possibly a professional outfit and have the camera more forward facing. Overall a great pitch.

  2. Federico,
    I thought you used your feedback in a good way. You can definitely tell that you tried to use your hands more during this elevator pitch. I think that I could add more hand movement into mine as well. For this pitch, I added in a prop though. I think this is a great way to engage your viewers a little more.

  3. Federico, I loved your pitch! You did an excellent job grabbing the attention of your audience and speaking clearly about your product. You are confident and spoke flawlessly. You credibility is guaranteed with the numerous facts you gave. My minor suggestions would be dressing professionally and having the camera be at eye level, but other than that, you sold me! Great job.


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