10A: Elevator Pitch



  1. I really liked your pitch. I found it a very creative way to present your idea. I like how your plan was detailed and explained the cost and made it very simple. I also like how your told the amount of the savings to make this service even more appealing to your audience. I think you have a great idea. The pitch makes me want to know more about the service. It seems like you had the pitch memorized and well rehearsed as well.

  2. Frederico,
    I really enjoyed your elevator speech. I thought it was a very neat way to get your point across about the high prices of textbooks. The beginning of the elevator speech was a great way to grab our attention. When people hear stuff like that through commercials online they tend to pay attention longer because it is grabs their attention.

  3. Hi Federico! This was a great pitch. Your tone of voice told the story in a commercial type of way, which I enjoyed. I absolutely loved the video effects, it made the video a million times better. I would suggest standing for next time, and speak a bit slower to not make it seem like you are reading a script. Nevertheless, you really captivated me with your pitch, so great job!


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